Wednesday, September 23, 2009

She's here -- and I'm back!

Introducing the newest member of our little growing family -- Lucia Louise! Welcome to the world little Lulu! Doesn't she look jaunty in her little mini skirt and beret. I plan on dressing her up like a little Christmas elf for as long as she'll let me. Hoping hair will come in soon so she'll look less like Winston Churchill.

So after a long absence from my jewelry line I'm back working feverishly to catch up a little. It was a tough pregnancy and after a few stress related incidents, I decided I need to take it easy. And as I couldn't drop my 3-year-old or real job, I had to take a break from Noaki Jewelry.

Anyway I've had this creative burst and posted maybe 50 pieces or more in the last couple of weeks with more to come.

Thanks for your patience!

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